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Introductory Description: 

Tejo Jourdan has been teaching the Diamond Approach since 2006 and has been a student of this work since 1992 he now teaches the Diamond Approach® in Germany and the United Kingdom. After several years at an Ashram in India he worked in California as a building contractor for 25 years, he is passionate about the practice of Presence and Inquiry in every day, ordinary life. 

Now Living in England up on the moors with his wife two dogs and a cat he finds the simplicity in the quiet country life supports further practice and refuels his soul.


What have you learned as a result of studying the Diamond Approach?: 

That what I know is not that much. And that the mystery can never be completely solved nor would I want it to.

What would you like your potential students to know about you as a teacher of the Diamond Approach?: 

That I see them as a wonderful mystery to be revealed. And I am honoured and priveleged to be witness to that unfolding.

What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?: 

I met a teacher who had something I recognised, but also knew I did not at that time have on going access to in my consciousness. And that being where i am is more important than where i think i'm going, with inquiry I never know where I'm going or where I will land. So something about the simplicity at the root of the teaching which is to start where I am. Always.

What is most important for people to understand about the Diamond Approach?: 

That this teaching is about them first and foremost. It is not about being somewhere else or getting somewhere, but arriving in the truth of where they are in any given moment. That is how truth is revealed. Everything start at the point where we are now!

Events with Tejo

Diamond Heart UK 3-Day Retreat

Location:  London, United Kingdom

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