Eme has been a student of the Diamond Approach since 1998 and a teacher since 2017; she works with students in the United States, Canada, and abroad, facilitates online inquiry groups, is a member of the Diamond Heart Online team and is one of the Integration Group Teachers for the Deep Voyage Integration Program.
She was studying Pures Mathematics in her early twenties when she experienced a sudden and unexpected spritual opening that revealed that there was much more to reality than what she thought. This experience jump started a deep longing to know the meaning of life and to understand the true meaning of what it is to be a human being. For nearly 40 years, her life has been a continuing journey of exploration of Human Consciousness through various spiritual paths, body-mind disciplines, in-depth psychology and with steady daily practices of meditation and presence. Professionally, Eme has been working for non-profits organizations specializing in education, spirituality and hospitality, combining 35 years of experience in financial and operational management.
I welcome people from all walks of life, diverse cultures, races, genders, sexual orientations and ages.
I feel blessed to have the privilege to accompany others on their journey to inner realization and freedom.
There are not two journeys alike. At the heart of my personal journey was an insatiable thirst to know the truth about who I am (was), as well as a sincere desire to understand my conditioning and my developmental trauma and how they had shaped and created limitations in certain areas of my life. This path has transformed the very fabric of my life and along the way I have made many unexpected discoveries and realizations and it continues! From ego personality to essential life; from head to heart; from fragments to wholeness.
Together we will co-create a sacred space that will optimize and support your inquiry work. I bring acceptance, attunement, warmth, depth, personalness, wisdom and both gentleness and firmness to our individual sessions where you will learn to discriminate your experiences with more and more nuance; to understand your emotions and your psychological makeup: your longings, tendencies, deficiencies, defenses, beliefs, etc. As you learn to experience all of them more fully and understand them more completely, they become entryways into your deepest nature.
It is important to involve the three centers into the inquiry process; the belly center for sensing and grounding, the heart center for feeling (emotions), and to discern the truth and the head center to discriminate, analyze and to understand our experience. I will support you in the development of these abilities.
My intention is to be of service to True Nature and to support the blossoming of your unique soul.
I am continuously learning from my students and I am looking forward to learning from you too.
J'offre aussi des sessions dans la langue francaise.
Its comprehensive understanding of the human being i.e. its essential nature as well as its egoic nature – In the DA, not only is the ego not an obstacle - but it is seen as the doorway to our truer, more authentic selves.
Inquiry, its main method, which I found simple, direct and very effective; we are learning to be and to embrace exactly where we are, and by that very fact, we free ourselves from our ego-bound reality and we begin to experience our essential nature.
The possibility to receive personalized and attuned support through individual sessions with a DA teacher.
The personal transformation that results from this work.
Events with Eme
2025-04-27 13:00
2025-06-21 09:30
Location: Paris, France
2025-11-02 15:00