We interviewed Diamond Approach teacher Victoria Young about her journey with the Diamond Approach as well as the new Diamond Approach group she is co-teaching, which will be based in the Washington, DC, area.
How did you first find out about the Diamond Approach?
I had been interested in spirituality and psychology for a long time—I was a therapist for 20 years before I became a Diamond Approach teacher. I was attending a seminar for Enneagram teacher training, and the lead teacher there told me offhandedly, “You might find this book interesting, Essence, by Hameed Ali.” Anytime a teacher I respect recommends a book, I get curious. As I was reading that book, I had a direct experience of the presence of truth, clear as a bell. I knew this was my path. At the end of the book—there was no email address in those days, just a phone number—I called the number and registered for the very next retreat. That was 27 years ago.
When you were starting out, what were some of the challenges that came up for you?
One of the biggest challenges was being where I am: being where you are is very important, and I found that difficult, because I was oriented toward “what do I have to do, what’s next, how is this supposed to show up?” I was forward-looking, so being where I am didn’t feel very juicy or much like me at the time. Of course, it’s also very challenging to do the childhood work that we do—going back and discovering how certain barriers got into place and working with those so that they can dissolve, and we have more access to what’s real.
What has kept you engaged with the Diamond Approach teaching over the years?
What keeps me engaged is the love of the truth, the joy of discovery, the fact that our path is endless. It does not have a final realization where we can say we’ve made it. I love that our orientation is to open-ended realization, forever and infinite. That is so great.
Something else that has been important for me is in Hameed’s Diamond Heart Books series. The introduction begins: “We live in a world of mystery, wonder, and beauty.” That struck me so strongly. I was so touched by that. He goes on to say, “...and most people aren’t aware of that because of so much strife in our lives.” I always felt mystery, wonder, and beauty were keys for me. It wasn’t just dry stuff.
What aspect of the teaching is most alive for you right now?
One aspect that is really alive for me is living the truth of who and what I know I am, the actualization—the Beingness as Doing—which means you don’t just have realizations sitting from your mountaintop, and just stumble around in your daily life. I love about our path that the more connected and in touch you are with your being, the more your being will live your life.
Tell us a little bit about the new group you’re leading in Washington, DC.
The other two teachers for the new group are Leah Chyten and Vince Draddy, who also live on the East Coast. We're offering seven full and half day teachings in 2022. Once established, the group will meet four to five times a year, for two- to three-day weekends mixed with online events. Eventually we’ll have a residential summer retreat; we have a wonderful place picked out for that.
What advice would you share with someone who is interested in attending an introductory Diamond Approach event?
Whatever it is you’re thinking about, if there’s curiosity in that, then come to one of the intros so you can have a direct experience of what it is to be in the field of this teaching and do inquiry exercises, to see what will unfold. Give yourself a chance to see what this is. It’s unique. It’s not something you could imagine ahead of time.
How do you see the Diamond Approach helping humanity and the planet?
The Diamond Approach helps us to see the preciousness of being, in ourselves, in others, and in reality. I see that this path helps to move us toward our human potential, so we can live in harmony with one another and the world and move toward our potential together. That is a very strong part of this approach: the actualization of our realization. What happens with this realization? You live your life and find out! It really supports that actualization, and it supports ongoing discovery. We never end; there’s more and more to be revealed, about ourselves, and our own souls, and reality.
To find out about our next event, please visit the Washington D.C. Diamond Approach 3 group page.