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Facets of Unity

Facets of Unity

Facets of Unity presents the Enneagram of Holy Ideas as a crystal clear window on the true reality experienced in enlightened consciousness. Here we are not directed toward the psychological types but the higher spiritual realities they reflect. We discover how the disconnection from each Holy Idea leads to the development of its corresponding fixation, thus recognizing each types deeper psychological core. Understanding this core brings each Holy Idea within reach, so its spiritual perspective can serve as a key for unlocking the fixation and freeing us from its limitations.

Our sense of self is transformed when it attains its essential nature, the ontological presence that is pure Being. No amount of psychological growth work is sufficient to bring this about, because the psychological realm, as it is known in ordinary experience, is a distorted and incomplete experience of our interiority, since it is out of contact with Being. Psychological observation and processing are necessary for the work of transformation, but if this transformation is to become truly spiritual, we need access to the dimension of Being.

With this understanding, I decided to publish this book, which is a study of the types of the Enneagram from the perspective of the Holy Ideas. These Ideas are objective views of reality; their realization brings freedom from the deluded views of egoic experience and therefore, from the realm of the fixations. Our approach to the Enneagram of Holy Ideas is grounded in our perspective and methodology of spiritual development, the Diamond Approach. - A. H. Almaas

Available at Shambhala Publications or most book retailers.

"Lucid, precise and infinitely helpful to seekers everywhere. I heartily recommend Facets of Unity to Enneagram enthusiasts, to my own students of inner knowing, and to followers of every spiritual tradition."

—Helen Palmer, author of The Enneagram

"Serious students of the Enneagram will find much of value in this book. . . . The Holy Ideas can be highly challenging material, but Almaas presents them with clarity, thoroughness, and grace such that we can all gain a taste of the deeper truths of this remarkable system. "

—Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, authors of Personality Types

Part One: Perspective

Chapter 1: A Brief History of the Enneagram
Chapter 2: Overview of the Holy Ideas
Chapter 3: The Diamond Approach and the Holy Ideas

Part Two: Living Daylight and Basic Trust

Chapter 4: Basic Trust
Chapter 5: Living Daylight
Chapter 6: The Holding Environment
Chapter 7: Loving Light and the Beast
Chapter 8: The Real World
Chapter 9: The Holy Ideas and Basic Trust

Part Three: Working with the Holy Ideas

Chapter 10: Orientation to the Holy Ideas
Chapter 11: Holy Truth
Chapter 12: Holy Omniscience, Holy Transparency
Chapter 13: Holy Will, Holy Freedom
Chapter 14: Holy Perfection
Chapter 15: Holy Wisdom, Holy Work, Holy Plan
Chapter 16: Holy Origin
Chapter 17: Holy Love
Chapter 18: Holy Strength, Holy Faith
Chapter 19: Holy Harmony, Holy Law, Holy Hope

Read excerpts from Facets of Unity


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