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Dynamic Mystery and Not Knowing

Dynamic Mystery and Not Knowing

“The not knowing of inquiry is like a spring bubbling up in the stream of knowing from the underlying ground of Being’s mystery, indicating the undiscovered treasure that lies beneath.”
-A.H. Almaas

We are surrounded by an environment of mystery, and not knowing is the doorway to enter the depth of that mystery. Not knowing is a mysterious entry to finding out things we can't possibly know through our ordinary mind. 

Conventionally, we think of knowing as having information that we need and rely on.
Yet, the moment we conclude that we have the final knowing about something, we tend to close the door and prevent our True Nature from disclosing other possibilities. 
When this happens, we can lose our sense of adventure, mystery, and curiosity; the very things that keep our inquiry fresh and alive.

Every time we recognize that we don't know, we invite a new, more immediate kind of knowledge to reveal itself. There is freedom in this--freedom from our minds and our preconceptions of who and what we are, who others are and what reality is.

Exploration: Your Relationship to Mystery and Not Knowing

Inquire into your personal experience right now. See if you can approach this from a place of not knowing, just being interested in what you are experiencing. 
How is it for you to not know but to look beyond the filter of your usual knowledge, preconception, and habits of knowing?

What is your experience of mystery in your life? Have you felt it? How does it affect you?

This reflection on mystery and not knowing is shared by Victoria Young, one of the teachers of Diamond Approach Washington DC3 (DADC3). This topic will be further explored in an introduction to this newly forming group on December 5. The Intro will be online (Zoom) due to COVID19. For more information, visit our event page. 

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