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Heart of God

Diamond Approach

Glossary of Spiritual Wisdom

From the teachings of A.H. Almaas

What is Heart of God?

Diamond Approach Teachings About: Heart of God

The All that is the Body and Heart of God

The state of poverty is not simply a lack, even though the soul cannot help but see it as such because we are looking through the veils of selfhood. Accepting our total poverty, and not asking for more, allows us to surrender whatever is left of our selfhood. This surrender reveals that the emptiness of poverty is simply the inscrutable darkness of the Divine Essence, which is obscured as lack because of subtle veils. Now, however, the emptiness of poverty reveals itself as the majestic and luminous darkness of the mystery of Being. The dark emptiness becomes a luminous night, the mystical midnight sun, the very essence of divinity, the divine darkness that is the source of all light. From this place all manifestation appears as the grace and fullness of Being, as the resplendent beauty of the face of God. We find ourselves in the kingdom of heaven. More exactly, we recognize that all and everything is the kingdom of heaven, now revealed to us by accepting our emptiness. We perceive tremendous fullness and plenitude, infinite riches and abundance, but none of it belongs to any individual soul. It is all the body and heart of God. By accepting our poverty we allow the essence of divinity into our hearts, and this reveals all of creation as the kingdom of heaven: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” We are blessed with this vision, with this realization, by going through the dark night of spirit and accepting without protest our inherent poverty. By accepting our poverty we give up our self-centeredness, our egoism. This is the condition for the arising of true reality, reality as it is, reality not dependent on what our minds believe, not dependent on what we have learned, not dependent on our prejudices and histories. Reality, as it is, is one. Some people call this the experience of God.

The Logos Felt as the Heart of God

This is the effect of the dimension of love as it fills the field of the logos, giving us the impression that the universe is unfolding as the action of the love of Being. The logos is felt then as the heart of God, and we are all its inhabitants. At other times, the flow is more of universal revelation of knowledge. We feel and perceive knowledge arising everywhere: each form is a recognition, and each phenomenon an understanding. The flowing boundless presence is here transparent, but with an exquisite faceted sense to it, as if it is a flowing ocean of liquefied diamonds of various colors and hues. Such is the effect of the dimension of pure presence as it arises co-emergent with the logos. At other times the flow is totally empty and light, even though formed and sculpted with the forms of manifestation. It is radiant and clear, with a sense of total freshness and newness, with an indescribable beauty and ecstasy that shatters the thinking mind and leaves it awed and dazzled. Such is the effect of nonconceptual awareness as it intermingles with the flow of the logos.

You Are a Particularization of Loving Energy

The human being is nothing but the manifestation of the heart of God. So if there were no love we would not exist. Love is that basic. The heart is that basic. All that you see is a manifestation of love. When you actually, finally, let yourself see it, you see that you are a particularization of loving energy. Your atoms are made out of love. Your body is made out of love. Your mind is made out of love. Your surroundings are made out of love. Everything is made out of love. If there were no love, you would see nothing. Beyond love there is just God. Out of that love that manifests from the God state, or from the supreme reality, emerge all of the particularizations. We are the final fruit of that particularization, and because we are the final fruit, we have the microcosmic heart that reflects the universal heart.

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