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What have you learned as a result of studying the Diamond Approach?: 

I have discovered how to be more of a real, open, and honest human being than I ever thought possible. I learned how to discover the secret, hidden depths of myself and to communicate with others from that place. My practice, my life, and my relationships have all benefited enormously. I have learned to live in spiritual presence and to relax the tensions and distortions of my childhood personality.

What would you like your potential students to know about you as a teacher of the Diamond Approach?: 

I bring a depth and sincerity to my work with students, the same as I continue to use in my ongoing path. I can be open and patient, curious, and delighted, or even a little confronting if that is what is needed. The point is to help you discover more about yourself and what you bring to this work, and then take you deeper and more expanded so that your true nature can reveal itself to you. I work with students at my home office on Maui; and also on Skype or Zoom for those who live away from the islands.

What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?: 

On Maui I was presented with a smorgasbord of spiritual opportunities, but it was not until 1989 when I attended my first Diamond Approach weekend with Morton Letofsky that I knew I had found home. I found the teachers to be very genuine, patient, and understanding. It was like they knew what I was experiencing and talking about first hand and had sufficient empathy and sympathy to directly address my questions and concerns. Nowhere had I found this attention and intention to communicate with me directly where I was at and help me penetrate into that and open and unfold my process from there.

What is most important for people to understand about the Diamond Approach?: 

It is not for everyone. But if what you are looking for is support for the deepest journey into your being and into the far reaches of reality, then this might be it. The work does require a certain dedication and ongoing experiential willingness. It is not something to read about and then move on. This might well be it for you!

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