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Introductory Description: 

The Diamond Approach was an instant crush for me when I was in my early twenties. I joined a group after reading some of Hameed's books and practicing inquiry with friends. A few years later I joined the seminary to train as a teacher, which I did for over ten years. Meanwhile I studied religion and philosophy at university, as well as taking an education in health care, which is the field I work in. I'm also a father of two young ones. 

I have learned through my studies of the Diamond Approach that happiness, fulfilment and meaning can only ever come from knowing the truth of our nature, directly and experientially. Knowing the depth of our nature and living a full life is compatible and possible for us as human beings. We can grow in the world and in our spiritual realization, inside and out. The view of unity between the worldly and the spiritual is something I really love about our path. 

As a potential student you can come as you are. Wherever you are right now is most important and is where we start our exploration. I'm happy to meet students online or in person. 

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