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Introductory Description: 

Growing up in Ireland, the spiritual dimension was very much part of the fabric of everyday life. When I reached adulthood, I began my own odyssey to find a deeper truth about what the point of this life really is...I found the Ridhwan school 25 years ago and have been steeped in the rich experiential learning ever since..I have co run several different businesses in the food sector with my husband, which I have enjoyed a lot. I also am a mother to 4, and I love to explore my experience through art.

What have you learned as a result of studying the Diamond Approach?: 

I have learned to value the practice of inquiry as an amazing way to allow reality to unfold in my direct experience.

What would you like your potential students to know about you as a teacher of the Diamond Approach?: 

I would like you to know that i am open and ready to engage with whatever might show up in your experience...everything is welcome. The journey of this work is to find the truth as it's happening in you, and when we attune to that with sincerity, Being shows up in many different ways. Being a companion and guide for another on  this inner journey is an honour and my pleasure and privilege.

What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?: 

The chance to bridge the gap between the depth and surface of me.

What is most important for people to understand about the Diamond Approach?: 

It is REAL SELF helps our real self to emerge from the shadows into the light, and living life connected with our BEING resolves our inner conflicts and unrest, and brings us to stillness. From this place it is possible to realise the potential of our True Nature.l

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